Weekly Activities

Week 1 – Navigating WordPress and Open ETC Resources

This week we will focus our attention on navigating the tools we can use for E-portfolios. At CMTN we are well aligned to use open source technology tools which are made freely available through the openetc group resources. The openetc group is a co-operative learning technology resource. It allows institutions to adopt learning technology without costly corporate solutions or surveillance.

  1. Attend our kick off session Wednesday October 5th 12pm – 1pm in person or via Bluejeans. Check your welcome email for details to join the session. (50-60 minutes)
  2. Say hello in the Mattermost site. (10 minutes)
  3. Read The What, Why and How of E-portfolios from Clemson University. (7 minutes)
  4. Head to the Openetc Free Range Sites and peruse some of the sites that have been created within the openetc eco-system.
    There are many sites listed so resist the urge to get overwhelmed and try to narrow down into e-portfolio examples quickly. The examples you review do not have to be perfect. In a post to our learning community reflections page share a reflection from this exploration. (30-60 minutes)

    Examples of focus for your reflection might be:
    • What you noticed, what questions came up for you and what you are questioning or easily accepting about the e-portfolios you reviewed.
    • What are students presenting, what do you imagine the rationale is for these choices?
    • What are some commonalities in the e-portfolios you reviewed and what are differences and why do you suppose these exist?

Week 2 – How can E-Portfolios support EPBL?

  1. Attend our second session Wednesday October 12th 12pm – 1pm in person or via bluejeans (50-60 minutes)
  2. Review the Experiential Place- based learning page that the Centre of Learning Technology has as part of their resources. (7 minutes)
  3. Read:
    • Groom, J. (November 29, 2008). A Domain of One’s Own. Bavatuesdays. https://bavatuesdays.com/a-domain-of-ones-own (5-10 minutes)
    • Review one of the following Centre of Learning and Teaching sites about what types of E-portfolios are typically adopted, how the different types support learning and why you might choose one approach over another:
  4. Assignment 1 -Part 1
    Consider this wordpress site and how we might add to it and change it to make it an excellent resource for staff or students to adopt e-portfolios into the future for the CMTN community.
    Consider some of the problems with E-portfolios we discussed in week one and how to create the sustainable support needed to make e-portfolios actualized for students. Use the Mattermost channel as a way to discuss your ideas and once you have a proposal that you can undertake either alone or with a partner please post your proposal in the learning community reflections page
    What does this space need to make it a resource for faculty and students to adopt e-portfolios?
    Please post your thoughts in the community learning reflection page. From your suggestions we will work to create some of these resources for our students and colleagues.
    Proposal post due Tuesday October 18th-ish. (35-45 minutes)

Week 3 – E-portfolios Practicalities and Programming

  1. Attend our third session with our guest speaker Wednesday October 19th 12-1pm in person or via Bluejeans. (50 -60 minutes)
  2. Post a reflection on our session with Dr. Nolan using the prompts what, so what, now what? (10-20 minutes)
  3. Assignment 1 – Part 2
    Create the resource you proposed last week either in partners or as individuals.
    Use the Mattermost channel as the hub for helping one another and testing ideas.
    Due October 25th-ish. (30-120 minutes)
  4. Prepare for Assignment 2 – Prepare for your chinwag by identifying who you want to discuss the integration of E-portfolios with. Do you see it might fit into your program or a different area of the college? Who are the good people to have a discussion about your thoughts on that integration? This will contribute to your final assignment for this course. The E-portfolio proposal due November 1. (10 minutes)

Week 4 – Imagining E-Portfolio Integration

  1. Attend our fourth and last session Wednesday October 26th 12-1pm in person or via Bluejeans. (50-60 minutes)
  2. Assignment 2 – Have the chinwag. This week make time to have a chat with a colleague in this course or someone in your program cluster about E-portfolios. The focus of this conversation should be one around E-portfolios and how they might fit into programming. What makes them a fit or not? Are there aspects of them that could influence your programming even if they are not as a full E-portfolio integration? (60 minutes)
  3. Submit Final Assignment 2 – Due Wednesday November 1st-ish. (30-90 minutes)